Sunday, June 20, 2010

You Say Goodbye, I say Hello

Sorry for not getting a post up yesterday, not that anyone noticed or cared, but it was parents day so i was busy all day long. I woke up Saturday thinking it was going to be a good day, and whose was right...ME. It was a great day yesterday. It was actually a great weekend. Saturday I had a rehearsal in the morning, lunch, nap, then I meet up with my family. It was so exciting. It was great to get to see them. After the little meeting we had to introduce the factuality to the parents we were free. We drove out to Nashville and went to a mall. It was nice just to be away from it all; to have a break. We then ate at California Pizza Kitchen. We then got in the car and headed back, and I slept in the car. When then went to an ice cream place at an outside mall thing, and walked around. It was then time. We drove back to MTSU were we said good-bye one last time. It was bitter sweet, and I am going to miss them. Sunday was great. We got to sleep in. Yes you heard that right, we actually got to sleep in and you better believe that I, Jay Echols did. I went to bed at 12 and didn't wake up until 11:30; it was marvelous. I then took a shower and went to lunch. We had a make-up class after lunch were i discovered that I can't do make-up. We then had a rehearsal in which I didn't do much, but nonetheless it was still fun; that just shows how much I love our rehearsals. After that we had free time until the talent show, in which I ate dinner and talked to people on facebook, and memorized lines, which are due by tomorrow. I think i will be good, but i still have some studying to do tonight. But that was it for today. Not that much at all, but it was still fun. I miss you all and I hope that all of you who read this blog will come see my final performance. If you want or need more information you can e-mail my parents, cause I probably won't get to your e-mail fast at all. But you can facebook me or text and I will try to get back to you, but you best beat is to talk to my parents. Thank you to all who take the time out of your day to read this blog. I know that it can be boring at times, but it is nice to know that some one cares about what I am doing here. Keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...


  1. I always enjoy reading your blog! Even though I already know some of the stuff, I like reading how you put it in writing. Thank you for keeping us posted as to what's going on up there.
    How's your cold? Medicine helping?

    We are excited about the finale! We have our tickets ready to go!!!

    Hope your Monday is good. Stay cool and dry :)
    I love you!

  2. Love your blog -- glad you are taking time to keep everyone posted. Have you thought about becoming a writer??

    Sounds like you are having a good time and really enjoying yourself.
