Monday, June 7, 2010

This is the Real Deal

So i am sure you are all wondering what my first day included, well here you go. I woke up at 6:50 and yes mom and dad i did wake up when my alarm went off. I meet my friends to go to breakfast and then after that we went to get out MTSU student ID's made, but while waiting in the line they told us to come back at lunch cause it would be faster. So we head off to dance class. It was great. Richard is great, he is so much fun. The first thing we did was sit in a circle tell our name, where we were from, and an embarrassing moment, i couldn't think of a good one so i used Emma's chair one. We then got up and learned a combo. We went sorta fast, but it was great just dancing again, and i felt good about it. After dance we went straight into our cast meetings. All my cast did was play games, it was great. Then after lunch we went to a theater apresiation class. It wasn't the best thing ever compared to what we had been doing, but i am really looking forward to it. That lasted and hour and 45 minutes. Following that we went back to a cast rehearsal were my cast started by playing more games, one of which i won, and then we read through the script; it is AWESOME. It is going to be epic, i am so excited for it. After dinner we had one more rehearsal in which we read the script one more time and then we were done for the night. I went straight to my dorm cause i had some work to do. I had homework for the acting class we are taking tomorrow, and i had to rememorize a monolouge, so i got straight to work (with a little distraction from facebook, but that was ok.) But now i am sitting in my room with my room mate. I am having a great time and can't wait to see what else we do. So keep reading and I'll keep writing, until next time.


  1. Love your update and loved talking to you on the phone! Both have helped me so thank you :)
    You missed yard work today here at the home. I mowed while Dad trimmed the poison hedges! He went to dinner tonight with the prospective Ledford replacement and then to Producers rehearsal.
    Emma, Anna and Natalie are at the church softball game. Colby invited them. We ate at Qdoba before they went.
    I'm here at the home waiting for everyone to get home. Went to Big Lots and bought a new suitcase.

    VBS was exciting again today. Children, children everywhere! It's going fine. But I do miss seeing you with a group. There's a ton 'o youth helping.

    I still miss you but am still so proud of what you're doing. We are excited already to see your finale! Several people are coming to see it, too.

    Try to get some rest.
    Let me know if/when your packages arrive.

    Big hugs and kisses....Momma

  2. Thanks for continuing to spread my embarrassing moment! We'll have to get you one of you own!
    I'm glad you are having a good time.
    We miss you.
    I love you.
    Colby thinks you're awesome.

    Love you!!

  3. I don't know what to think of anyone who can't think of one embarassing moment! I can't stop thinking of them, I just can't think of any I would share.
