Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Suddenly I See

I know, I know. I haven't been writing much lately and that is because I don't really feel the need to. Nothing really exciting is happening, and i feel like there isn't a reason to write anymore, but I felt like I had to today cause I hadn't in a while. I guess the last time i wrote was Sunday. Wow, Sunday feels like a long time ago. Monday we woke up and had a dance class, then rehearsal, and then lunch. During lunch i went to check my mail and I had two letters. I LOVE GETTING MAIL. It is so much fun. I don't think there is a better way of showing some one you care while they are away then sending them a card. It really shows you care. Every time i get one my day gets ten shades brighter. I think one of my really good friends and I are going to become pen palls which is really exciting. We then went to theatre apprec where I wrote some letters. We then had rehearsal for the rest of the day with a performance that night. That might we went to the Nashville Film Festivel, well they came to us. They sent us some films or something like that and we got to see some of the winners. SOme of them were really interesting, some were scary, and some were really, really good and then others were all three. Then we woke up the next morning and went to theater class were we are talking about Shakespeare, and as once said on Will and Grace "This is hard!" It is not a easy thing at all, but we are learning so much about it. Mark is a really good teacher, and knows how to say everything in a way that we understand. The rest of the day was rehearsal, nothing else. We basically had a ten and a half hour rehearsal with two meal breaks. They are all fun though, it is my favorite part of the day. So to have it all day long was like a dream come true. Now to today. We had dance class this morning which was really challenging. Then we got to have a Q&A time with all the G-School faculty, which was awesome, and a great learning experience. I am learning so much here. Stuff i don't think i could've gotten any where else. I mean these guys have done it, and are doing it, who better to learn it from. We then after lunch had a quiz show game thing in theatre apprec. And whose team won...oh wait...MINE!!! Then for the rest of the night we had rehearsal. Today we all had this very sad realization that this is all going to be over in a week. I am really going to miss all of these guys. Not seeing them everyday, and not walking to breakfast with them, and not going to rehearsals and classes with them; it is going to be really weird. I am really dreading the day when I have to leave. I mean i want to see all of my family and friends at home, but it is all going to be really weird. But until then i guess i'll just have to soak up all the fun i can. So you keep reading and i'll keep writing. Until next time...


  1. I am so glad to hear about how much fun you are having, as well as your having a good learning experience! And, I whole-heartedly agree with you about getting a piece of mail! Electronic mail is nice -- and it's a great way to keep up with people, but I still like to go out to my mailbox, open it and get a card or letter from someone. It does make the day brighter.

    Can't believe the month is almost over -- sounds like you have met some people that you will enjoy keeping up with in the future -- you never know when your paths may cross again!

    Hope all goes well and the rehearsals pay off. I'll be thinking of you.

  2. You know I love getting real mail, too! I do remember those college days of going to my mailbox with the hopes of getting some piece of mail. Since we didn't have e-mail or texting way back then, it was a real treat. I'm like Aunt Kathy, I do still love to get a real piece of mail.
    I also know how you feel about having to separate from all these friends you've made. But, fortunately for you, you do have e-mail and facebook and even real mail to help keep up with each other. You can stay connected with them. Some of them will be lifelong friends and that's a cool thing.
    You have learned an amazing amount there - in class and out. What a fabulous opportunity. I know that many parts of your life have been impacted by your participation at GS. And I'm still so proud of you for not shying away from it and just going for it. You are an amazing person, Jay Echols...and a pretty wonderful son :)
    Til next time....
    I love you!
