Saturday, June 5, 2010


If you don't know already know, during the month of June I will be at Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts. After auditioning for the dance, vocal, and the theater I am going into the theater department. Many people auditioned, but I was selected as one of the ten boys in the theater department. I leave Sunday, June 6 and get back Friday, July 2. So today was my last full day in Chattanooga until I get back, and let me tell you it was a good one. I am excited and nervous about this great adventure. Excited about learning more about what I love to do but nervous that my shy personality will over-ride my loud side and I won't meet many people, but I am sure that with God by my side I will have nothing short of a fabulous time. I will miss you all dearly and saying good-bye today was one of the hardest things I had to do. We all just have to remember that I am coming back; I am not leaving for good. So keep reading and I'll keep posting.


  1. Jay, you will be a fabulous participant at Governor's School! I have all the confidence in you. You are talented and will work well with the other people involved. I look forward to seeing the performances you're in.
    We will miss you here at home for sure. It will be much quieter around here!
    I will look forward to reading your blog and hearing about what you're doing. I will also need to hear your voice every now and then, too!
    I love you! Enjoy!
    Your Momma, Roberta

  2. Jay, I'm so excited to hear, and read about your summer! You are such a talented young man, and you'll do great!

    I love you tons and tons and tons. Have a fun time.

    Your sister,

  3. Hey handsome! I'm glad you set up this blog. I hope you get time to write because I know you're going to be super busy. Have you met your roommate yet? I'm proud of you!

  4. Fiona Favourite PersonJune 6, 2010 at 7:54 PM

    Jay, you better update this frequently!

    I'm going to miss you so much, and you know Lake Winnie won't be the same without you. But I'm so glad you're getting this fantastic opportunity, and you better make the absolute best of it! Make new friends and have tons of fun and look after my boyfriend and eat healthily so I don't have to listen to you whining about having to be shirtless in The Producers!

    Take care, Jay. Post often -- I'll be checking often! And writing to you guys often! I miss you all already!

    Lots of love,
