Monday, June 14, 2010


Well today had some high and low levels of intensity. First in our dance class we did push-ups and sit-ups, slow and fast, and we did crunches and lots of stretching in second positions(which in the splits for those who don't know). It was so great to actually have a intense dance class. Then we went to Cindy rehearsal were we learned some of the songs we have to learn. It was great to get to sing bass with some other basses that can actually sing. After that we went to lunch which was awful. I don't know what it is going on besides G-school at MTSU, but what ever it is needs to stop cause there were to many people in there today. Most of the people in there were gross sweaty little kids. I don't know why they are there, and it has been rumored that there will be 680 kids there tomorrow for lunch. I don't think i will be able to handle that. I mean there was barely any food left today and when something new was put out a little ball of pudge would walk up and take it before you even had the chance and you had to be nice cause they were kids, but despite all of that i still had a good lunch time with my new friends. Yes you heard that right, i made friends. Jay Echols made friends ladies and gentlemen, and they are real too you can look them up on facebook if you doubt me. After lunch we had Theatre Appreciation, which i dose off in every time. I don't know what it is, but right at that time is when i get tired and i hate it i wish i didn't happen but it does. Free time was next, which here is like finding a normal person at CCA. That afternoon was filled with auditions that were optional. The first was for the talent show, i didn't do that. The second was for Honors. I don't really know how describe it, but 17 people auditioned and i was one of the 10 that were chosen. We are doing an improve show this Thursday night. Which i do believe you can some and see. After that we went to dinner than to "Hold Fast" which was a one man show that what it lacked in people kinda lacked in interest. Alright maybe that is a little harsh but it still wasn't the best thing i have seen, but it wasn't awful. But afterwards we got to have a talk back with him and that was really interesting. After that i had my first rehearsal for the honor's. That got out at 9:45 and then i headed back to my dorm. But as you can see i had some very high and very low points. But it was a really good day. I got two letters in the mail: one from my aunt and uncle and the second from the cast at lake winnie. both of the were so much fun to get. I love hearing from y'all. So you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...


  1. Way to go buddy! Of course you're in the honors group! You da best. You da, you da best! (Personality wise, not like the song...)
    I'm glad you had some high points in your day, it makes all the low points seem not all that bad.
    I'm missing you, but I'm glad that you're having such a great time. I can't wait to see your performances! It'll be wonderful, and you'll be wonderful. I love you. Call me or text me if you get time. And i'll be looking for you on skype.
    You're wonderful.


  2. Hey dude. I can't come to the honors performance because I have a school thing. But I'll definitely see you Saturday. I'm so proud of who and the work you are doing. I hope this is a great experience for you. Keep up the good work!

  3. Still missing you, Jay! I really really really really hope i can see you on Saturday. I swear I'll cry if I don't. Kiona Nick and Hannah . . . eh, I can wait til they come back, but I really need to see my favourite person :)

    I'm glad you got our postcard. We thought it'd be fun.

    And CONGRATS on getting into the honors thing! That's so exciting. I really wish I could go, but unfortunately I think I am trapped at Producers rehearsal. Where I wish you were, too, to keep me company.



  4. Love the different blog look :)
    As to the honor's honor, who's surprised? You are a talented person. No doubt about that.
    As to the food issues, yes, little kids at a sports camp do eat a lot of food. Think Crosspoint! Try to get through it without too much angst. We'll feed you well this weekend :)
    As to the new friends, I knew you would! Everyone says that the friends you make at G-School are some friends that you'll have for life. Look at Steven and Jeannie Leano. Pretty cool, I think.

    I hope that you throat is not hurting today. I actually woke up this morning with a little sore throat myself. I hope you found some Tylenol. Maybe we need to get you some of that, too, this weekend.

    We are excited to see you on Saturday. Remember that we love you :)
    Momma Roberta

  5. Do you hate children? Lol When Is that Honors thing? I would love to come!
