Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Day number two started off a little hectic. I set my alarm last night, but my room mates alarm is set for earlier then mine and always wakes me up, so in true Jay form i went back to sleep after realizing that his alarm is not the one i have to wake up too. So then i wake up a couple minutes later and my alarm is still not going off, so i reach over to my classes, put them on and see that my alarm is already going off, but that it is just super duper quiet. So i quickly get my stuff and go to the bathroom to get ready for my day. When i get in there i discover that both of the showers are taken and that there is already someone in line, so i get a little worried that i am going to be late. But, being the totally calm and collected me i just start doing other things i need to do: i brush my teeth, i put my contacts in, stuff like that. I got everything done in time thought and i was outside to meet my friends at 7:15 on the dot. This morning we all had a theater class with the director from my show in which we did our monologues from auditions, which thanks to Mom and Dad, were successful. Everybody was really good. It was so much fun to see why everyone got in. It made me feel good to know that i am on the level of these guys. After that we went into rehearsal in which my cast finished our second read through/talk about. After we were finished doing that our director, Mark, let us out early. So i went to the post office thinking that i would be able to check my mail. Little to my know the post office is only open 8-4, too bad i have stuff to do all during those times. So, I'll just have to find a time to get my mail. After lunch included one last rehearsal for the night and fittings for costumes. During the rehearsal we had auditions. They didn't tell us they were but you knew. They had each of read for parts during a scene so we knew. That lasted the whole time and then we got to go sit and wait to be measured, which wasn't the best haven't other people see how big you are, but it wasn't awful. Then i walked about of the building and just stood there. It was dark. and i couldn't figure out exactly where i am. so i stand there. and i look one way, and then i look the other. so i decided to go right. After i start walking i realize that there is a group of people sitting outside that possibly saw me do that whole thing, but i just kept on walking. I eventually found my way back home and saw David outside. we came in thinking that we would be able to skype but the connection kept coming in and out so we finally gave up, and that put me where i am now. sitting here blogging and memorizing a monologue for class. But I am having a great time and yes i am eating well. So don't be worrying. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts. Keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time.


  1. Glad to see everything is going so well, being able to go with the flow is a talent unto itself. Keep writing and I'll keep reading and praying. Prayer is always helpful, but you got it under control.

    Sherry C. Hicks

  2. Again, love the blog! Good info, dude.
    My question for the day is: how are the sheets working out?

    Glad to hear that you moves quickly and got yourself ready after the waking up confusion :)

    VBS was busy again today. Hump day is a good day. I think things are going fairly well - busy but fine.

    It's hot here. Rains every now and then.

    We're fine. We do still miss you. Your room is oddly neat :) Your computer is dark most of the time. But we're so proud of you and what you're doing.

    I hope you've been able to get some rest.

    When do you all leave for Atlanta? Where are you staying?
    (You know I always have many questions!)

    OK, signing off for now.
    I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!

  3. Do you know your part yet? I saw the parts in the musical. Hope you got a good one! Glad everything's going well. Sometimes in Producers rehearsal its like you're there because your dad is so much like you. Which is a good thing.

    Miss you lots.

