Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sorry again that i haven't been posting but it has been a busy week so I am trying to get as much rest as a can. So I will try my best to catch you up on the past three days. Thursday we had acting class, where we finished up doing the monologues that we all did. After lunch we had rehearsal then, a guy from New York came to talk to us about his company. It is called The Civilians: Investigative Theater. It was really interesting. He talked to us about of they write all of their shows from interviews that they take on a certain point. After dinner we had more rehearsal which was followed by a dance performance. Two companies were in the performance: Nashville in Motion and Dance Theater of Tennessee. It was interesting; there were some good parts and some really good parts and then some not so good parts. All in all I was glad we were able to go. The next day, Friday, was rehearsal all day. There were points were we were all in Anon(ymous) and some points we were all in Cindy which was nice to get some time in the other show. We got a lot done. We did a hole run through and then a scene by scene to see where we all were at the beginning and the end of each scene. Then today, Saturday, we had a mime class from 9-12. It was a lot of fun, I got a lot out of it. The guy, Bill Bowers, was really fun and really good at what he did. He has been in the Lion King on Broadway and he is the mime in the party scene in Two Weeks Notice. We are getting to meet all these people are in the business like it is so cool just to get to meet these people let alone get to work to them. We then had rehearsal in which we started working with a fight choreographer, well I didn't start working with him, but other people did. It was so much fun to watch the process taking place right in front of us. He just came in, we told him about what was happening in the scene and the relationships and he just went. Now I am sitting in the laundry room doing laundry for the third time while I have been here. We have free time until 7:30 when we go to our second make-up seminar. Then we are done. WE GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW!! I am so excited. We don't have to anywhere until one. OH, it is so nice. This week is going to be so intense. We are driving to Nashville everyday as a tech week. We are leaving here at 7 and then staying there until 9 or later which will be tiring, but we need to do it, and I can't imagine us not having fun on the bus rides there. So there you go three days in one paragraph. So you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Jay, where is your performance going to be? And where in Nashville will you be going everyday?! I enjoy reading your updates. : )
