Saturday, June 26, 2010


Sorry again that i haven't been posting but it has been a busy week so I am trying to get as much rest as a can. So I will try my best to catch you up on the past three days. Thursday we had acting class, where we finished up doing the monologues that we all did. After lunch we had rehearsal then, a guy from New York came to talk to us about his company. It is called The Civilians: Investigative Theater. It was really interesting. He talked to us about of they write all of their shows from interviews that they take on a certain point. After dinner we had more rehearsal which was followed by a dance performance. Two companies were in the performance: Nashville in Motion and Dance Theater of Tennessee. It was interesting; there were some good parts and some really good parts and then some not so good parts. All in all I was glad we were able to go. The next day, Friday, was rehearsal all day. There were points were we were all in Anon(ymous) and some points we were all in Cindy which was nice to get some time in the other show. We got a lot done. We did a hole run through and then a scene by scene to see where we all were at the beginning and the end of each scene. Then today, Saturday, we had a mime class from 9-12. It was a lot of fun, I got a lot out of it. The guy, Bill Bowers, was really fun and really good at what he did. He has been in the Lion King on Broadway and he is the mime in the party scene in Two Weeks Notice. We are getting to meet all these people are in the business like it is so cool just to get to meet these people let alone get to work to them. We then had rehearsal in which we started working with a fight choreographer, well I didn't start working with him, but other people did. It was so much fun to watch the process taking place right in front of us. He just came in, we told him about what was happening in the scene and the relationships and he just went. Now I am sitting in the laundry room doing laundry for the third time while I have been here. We have free time until 7:30 when we go to our second make-up seminar. Then we are done. WE GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW!! I am so excited. We don't have to anywhere until one. OH, it is so nice. This week is going to be so intense. We are driving to Nashville everyday as a tech week. We are leaving here at 7 and then staying there until 9 or later which will be tiring, but we need to do it, and I can't imagine us not having fun on the bus rides there. So there you go three days in one paragraph. So you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Suddenly I See

I know, I know. I haven't been writing much lately and that is because I don't really feel the need to. Nothing really exciting is happening, and i feel like there isn't a reason to write anymore, but I felt like I had to today cause I hadn't in a while. I guess the last time i wrote was Sunday. Wow, Sunday feels like a long time ago. Monday we woke up and had a dance class, then rehearsal, and then lunch. During lunch i went to check my mail and I had two letters. I LOVE GETTING MAIL. It is so much fun. I don't think there is a better way of showing some one you care while they are away then sending them a card. It really shows you care. Every time i get one my day gets ten shades brighter. I think one of my really good friends and I are going to become pen palls which is really exciting. We then went to theatre apprec where I wrote some letters. We then had rehearsal for the rest of the day with a performance that night. That might we went to the Nashville Film Festivel, well they came to us. They sent us some films or something like that and we got to see some of the winners. SOme of them were really interesting, some were scary, and some were really, really good and then others were all three. Then we woke up the next morning and went to theater class were we are talking about Shakespeare, and as once said on Will and Grace "This is hard!" It is not a easy thing at all, but we are learning so much about it. Mark is a really good teacher, and knows how to say everything in a way that we understand. The rest of the day was rehearsal, nothing else. We basically had a ten and a half hour rehearsal with two meal breaks. They are all fun though, it is my favorite part of the day. So to have it all day long was like a dream come true. Now to today. We had dance class this morning which was really challenging. Then we got to have a Q&A time with all the G-School faculty, which was awesome, and a great learning experience. I am learning so much here. Stuff i don't think i could've gotten any where else. I mean these guys have done it, and are doing it, who better to learn it from. We then after lunch had a quiz show game thing in theatre apprec. And whose team won...oh wait...MINE!!! Then for the rest of the night we had rehearsal. Today we all had this very sad realization that this is all going to be over in a week. I am really going to miss all of these guys. Not seeing them everyday, and not walking to breakfast with them, and not going to rehearsals and classes with them; it is going to be really weird. I am really dreading the day when I have to leave. I mean i want to see all of my family and friends at home, but it is all going to be really weird. But until then i guess i'll just have to soak up all the fun i can. So you keep reading and i'll keep writing. Until next time...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

You Say Goodbye, I say Hello

Sorry for not getting a post up yesterday, not that anyone noticed or cared, but it was parents day so i was busy all day long. I woke up Saturday thinking it was going to be a good day, and whose was right...ME. It was a great day yesterday. It was actually a great weekend. Saturday I had a rehearsal in the morning, lunch, nap, then I meet up with my family. It was so exciting. It was great to get to see them. After the little meeting we had to introduce the factuality to the parents we were free. We drove out to Nashville and went to a mall. It was nice just to be away from it all; to have a break. We then ate at California Pizza Kitchen. We then got in the car and headed back, and I slept in the car. When then went to an ice cream place at an outside mall thing, and walked around. It was then time. We drove back to MTSU were we said good-bye one last time. It was bitter sweet, and I am going to miss them. Sunday was great. We got to sleep in. Yes you heard that right, we actually got to sleep in and you better believe that I, Jay Echols did. I went to bed at 12 and didn't wake up until 11:30; it was marvelous. I then took a shower and went to lunch. We had a make-up class after lunch were i discovered that I can't do make-up. We then had a rehearsal in which I didn't do much, but nonetheless it was still fun; that just shows how much I love our rehearsals. After that we had free time until the talent show, in which I ate dinner and talked to people on facebook, and memorized lines, which are due by tomorrow. I think i will be good, but i still have some studying to do tonight. But that was it for today. Not that much at all, but it was still fun. I miss you all and I hope that all of you who read this blog will come see my final performance. If you want or need more information you can e-mail my parents, cause I probably won't get to your e-mail fast at all. But you can facebook me or text and I will try to get back to you, but you best beat is to talk to my parents. Thank you to all who take the time out of your day to read this blog. I know that it can be boring at times, but it is nice to know that some one cares about what I am doing here. Keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...

Friday, June 18, 2010

My name is Roberto

Well today was kinda normal and quiet compared to the rest of the week. We had dance this morning which was better then some other days in my opinion, and after that we had rehearsal. In this rehearsal everyone came to our rehearsal and some lines were past out(there is a chorus in our show like in Shakespeare). It was so much fun. I love the way Mark, our director, is doing it, it's amazing. After lunch we had another musical audition work shop, which is always fun and interesting. Then the next thing was a split rehearsal where we finished working on my scene. I am so excited for this show. It is going to be so good. I can't wait for you all to come see it. After dinner we had free time until the honor's music concert, which was awesome. Two people played the marimbas and they were awesome; I want them to come play at my house all the time. I couldn't help but smile during most of it. OH it was so good. After that some of us had a costume fitting and I realize how ghetto public school costumes can be. I mean these are legit costumes. And that concluded my day. I then came back to the dorm ordered some pizza, hung out with friends, and then went to bed. But nonetheless it was still a good day at G-School. So you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I am so terribly sorry that I didn't get a post up yesterday. I was so tired and the air conditioning doesn't work in my room and the hot computer was just making matters worse. So this will be a double dose blog where i fit two days into one post. So last night just after midnight there was a knock at my door. I didn't want to get up cause i was sleeping so i just laid there hoping that what ever it was would just go away. All too soon where my hopes smashed when another knock at my door accrued. I, in wishful thinking, stayed in bed again, this time thinking that they would go away or that my room-mate would get it. Neither of those happened when the pounding started; that is when i finally got up. I went to the door and looked through the peep hole. At twelve o'clock midnight, the person out side my door looked like David Couter. When i saw what i thought was him i reluctantly opened the door to see what had brought him to my room this late in the evening. When i opened the door i was surprised, relived, and intrigued to not find David, but a male councilors i had never seen before. He informed me that i was needed. So i searched my room to find my keys and a hoodie just in case it was cold in the night. I was then taken to the lobby of the dorm where a good, new friend of mine was waiting. We then got one other person, another new friend, and were driven to the theatre building, where we were sat down and talked to one by one. They told us that a kid had been kicked out, that we needed to stop whatever we were doing, and that if it continued we would be next. We then were driven back to the dorms and allowed to finish the rest of our night in peace. I then woke up and went to acting class where i got to do the monologue that we had to learn while we were here. I was very relived to get it over with, and i thought it went really well. People got where and who i was, which was the main goal. After class we had a rehearsal which was fun as always. We got to work on a really fun part of the show and we got to have a lot of creative input which was nice. That night i had two honor's rehearsal with a art gallery viewing in between. All of which was great. We got to see art work in progress which was lots of fun.

Now on to today. Today was pretty normal until the end. I got up this morning and then went to dance class which was rather frustrating. The Cindy cast has been learning the dances in their rehearsals. So they had new stuff and changed stuff the rest of us had never seen. So we we asked a question or just said what we knew was right some of the people got an attitude. I just don't get that. I mean it isn't their place. Then some people would be talking and sometimes he would get mad and then with some people he would just laugh with them. I don't like how it isn't consistent with everyone, but life goes on. The rest of the day was kinda normal: theater apprec., rehearsal for honors and the play. Then it happened. All the CCA kids were walking back to the dorms when Nick gets a call saying that some kids have run away and we are on lock down. That's we were started to hurry. We picked up our pace and when we where close to the dorms a woman told us that we needed to hurry and that walking fast wasn't hurry enough. So we then had to stay in our rooms until they came and got us for a meeting where they told us what was going on. I ensure you that i am OK. I am a little stopped up and my head hurts, but other than that i am just fine. So that's what you missed from yesterday and what happened today. You keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...

Monday, June 14, 2010


Well today had some high and low levels of intensity. First in our dance class we did push-ups and sit-ups, slow and fast, and we did crunches and lots of stretching in second positions(which in the splits for those who don't know). It was so great to actually have a intense dance class. Then we went to Cindy rehearsal were we learned some of the songs we have to learn. It was great to get to sing bass with some other basses that can actually sing. After that we went to lunch which was awful. I don't know what it is going on besides G-school at MTSU, but what ever it is needs to stop cause there were to many people in there today. Most of the people in there were gross sweaty little kids. I don't know why they are there, and it has been rumored that there will be 680 kids there tomorrow for lunch. I don't think i will be able to handle that. I mean there was barely any food left today and when something new was put out a little ball of pudge would walk up and take it before you even had the chance and you had to be nice cause they were kids, but despite all of that i still had a good lunch time with my new friends. Yes you heard that right, i made friends. Jay Echols made friends ladies and gentlemen, and they are real too you can look them up on facebook if you doubt me. After lunch we had Theatre Appreciation, which i dose off in every time. I don't know what it is, but right at that time is when i get tired and i hate it i wish i didn't happen but it does. Free time was next, which here is like finding a normal person at CCA. That afternoon was filled with auditions that were optional. The first was for the talent show, i didn't do that. The second was for Honors. I don't really know how describe it, but 17 people auditioned and i was one of the 10 that were chosen. We are doing an improve show this Thursday night. Which i do believe you can some and see. After that we went to dinner than to "Hold Fast" which was a one man show that what it lacked in people kinda lacked in interest. Alright maybe that is a little harsh but it still wasn't the best thing i have seen, but it wasn't awful. But afterwards we got to have a talk back with him and that was really interesting. After that i had my first rehearsal for the honor's. That got out at 9:45 and then i headed back to my dorm. But as you can see i had some very high and very low points. But it was a really good day. I got two letters in the mail: one from my aunt and uncle and the second from the cast at lake winnie. both of the were so much fun to get. I love hearing from y'all. So you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today i got back from our trip to Atlanta; it was a blast. We got to see two shows. The first one we saw was "Slasher." It was not the best show ever. I won't go into the plot cause you guys can look it up, but it just wasn't good. The characters were great, they story was too weird, and the set was boring. After the show we stayed the night in a hotel. The next day we woke up and talked about the show with the entire group which was nice. We then ate lunch at Jason's Deli. We then headed over to see Shrew: The Musical. It was better than slasher but still not great. The story was changed to much, they went in and out of iambic pentameter, the songs were oddly placed, sounded the same and weren't very good. But the with all of that aside the trip was really fun. On the way there we each had to pick a favorite song and we took turns playing it for everyone. It was a really nice way of learning something about someone. The only really bad thing about the trip, well two things, was that they taped us in our rooms and then in the morning a hole hall of doors were untapped which meant that they might be sent home, but they didn't leave they're room. The second bad thing was that they treated us like kids on the trip. They made this big deal at the begging about how they were going to treat us like professionals and they didn't. They split some of us up in the theater because they thought we were going to talk. That just upsets me that they would think we were that rude to talk during some one else's performance. I mean we are theater people we know how it feels. But ya, i am still having a great time. I have made some really good friends. So good that it was indeed me and another girl that had to be separated. But i love getting comments on the blog it makes me feel like i am not just writing for the fun of it. So you keep reading and I'll keep writing. Until next time...